Bio-Resorbable Nasal Packing

Hemostasis – PosiSep X
PosiSep®X Hemostat Dressings/Intranasal Splints are indicated for use in patients undergoing nasal/sinus surgery as a space occupying splint and hemostat to:
- Separate tissue or structures compromised by surgical trauma;
- Separate and prevent adhesions between mucosal surfaces during mesothelial cell regeneration in the nasal cavity;
- Help control minimal bleeding following surgery or trauma;
- Help control minimal bleeding following surgery or nasal trauma by tamponade effect, blood absorption and platelet aggregation; and
- Act as an adjunct to aid in the natural healing process.
PosiSep X is indicated for use as a nasal hemostat to treat epistaxis.
- Biocompatible – made of chitosan-based polymers
- Minimizes bleeding and edema after surgery
- Foam easily conforms to nasal anatomy
- Easy to apply – no mixing or additional prep time necessary
- Dissolves naturally or can be easily removed with gentle irrigation and aspiration
- No special storage conditions require
Find out more: Hemostasis PosiSepX Brochure
Wish to have a sample to try out? Click here to find out how!

Stryker – NasoPore
Bioresorbable nasal dressing
NasoPore is an excellent dressing option for a wide range of nasal procedures.
Count on NasoPore to absorb drainage and bleeding and prevent adhesions by effectively stenting mucosal tissue structures and providing hemostasis through compression.
- Minimizes adhesions and edema
- Absorbs blood and fluid
- Separates and supports vital tissue structures
- Clears naturally—trauma free and comfortable for patients
- Easy to cut and manipulate during placement
Find out more: Stryker NasoPore Brochure